Status of PARCUS: Public-private partnership (Société Anonyme d’Economie Mixte)
PARCUS is a Société Anonyme d’Economie Mixte created in 1973
Its corporate purpose is to study, finance, build, manage and operate paid parking mainly in the Strasbourg Eurometropolis.
Its capital is €2,800,000.
Chairwoman: Sophie DUPRESSOIR
Managing Director: Vincent BARBIER
Shareholders :
- Eurométropole de Strasbourg: 50
- City of Strasbourg: 10
- Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations: 20
- Pool of bankers (CE, BFCM, SG, BP, CIAL): 10
- Retailers’ Association (Vitrines de Strasbourg): 5%
- PARCUS is a public company and a tool of the local authorities.
The shareholders expect PARCUS to be an efficient company in the general interest of the agglomeration and to provide users with a service recognised for its quality.
PARCUS is a shareholder in :
- CITIZ autopartage
- Strasbourg Mobilités
- SAS Coubertin (10% Parcus, 90% Crédit Mutuel) – 750-space car park in the Strasbourg business centre
- SAS Parsem (50% Parcus – 50% Sers) – Construction and acquisition of car parks
Contact details
Registered office: 55 rue du Marché Gare CS 17016 – 67037 STRASBOURG Cedex
Share capital: 2,800,000 euros
Incorporated: 13 May 1973 – Term: 99 years
Trade register number: 73 B 496
Approval of Articles of Association: interministerial order of 10 April 1973
Approval of local authority participation
Urban Community: deliberation of 24 March 1972 (interministerial order of 10 April 1973)
City of Strasbourg: deliberation of 15 May 1972