Frequently asked questions
Do you have any questions about parking in the car parks or how a season ticket works? We've got the answers. Parcus helps you get around more easily.
Questions About Parking
Can I park where I want and how I want in a car park?
You can park in any space you like, but be sure to respect the reserved spaces, which are always signposted on the ground or at the end of the space (spaces reserved for people with reduced mobility, for recharging electric vehicles, for car-sharing, for motorbikes, etc.).
Make sure you park your vehicle in a single space, even if you think it would be nicer to get comfortable and park in 2 spaces.
You may only reverse out of your parking space. This means that you can only park in forward gear (see car park rules).
What is the maximum height for a vehicle entering a car park?
The height is limited to 1m90 (1m85 in car park P1 Esplanade). As a precaution, a gauge is installed at the entrance to each car park.
How big is a square?
The standard size for a 90° parking space is: 2.30 m wide by 5 m long.
Questions About Subscriptions
I’ve forgotten my season ticket at home, so I’m taking an hourly ticket at the entrance terminal. Will the ticket agent lift the barrier on my way out? Can I get a refund?
No, as stipulated in article 2 of the General Terms and Conditions of Sale, “The subscriber is obliged to use the means of access, such as a badge or encoded card (…) provided by the company, at each entry and exit cycle to the car park. If they fail to do so, they will have to pay the tariff in force for hourly users of the car park, without being able to make any subsequent claim
Can I have 2 season tickets for 1 subscription?
No, it’s a card for one car, because there are cycles to respect.
Is there a season ticket for several car parks?
To date, no such card exists.
I have a season ticket but the car park is SOLD OUT. Can I still access the car park?
You will be able to access the car park, but there is no guarantee that you will find a space.
What happens if I exceed my subscription timeslot?
You can leave once you have paid the overrun.